
How to install plugin dvb viewer
How to install plugin dvb viewer

how to install plugin dvb viewer

I installed powerdvd 5 trial previously just so i could get the codec but it has not made any difference in progdvb. But i recon there must be a way to fix this problem without having to convert the mpeg, i think there must be a codec somewhere out there that works with dvb software to fix this problem but i havent really looked enough to find it as i am too busy just trying to get a decent picture without the jerkyness any blockyness at the moment and i think the problem is my processor just is not up to it either. Just convert for a few seconds to see results then when happy convert the whole file but it can take a long time to do depending on settings perhaps even 10 to 20 hours if converting to mpeg 2 etc. You can set it up to convert your mpeg to a different Aspect Ratio or file type. An excellent program would be "TMPGEnc" which is probably one of the best. Also a good site to check dvd pplayer compatibilities to see what it supports. Just look under convert or guides etc on main menu page on the left and that will bring up a section on it. only suggestion to remedy the situation i know of at moment is to convert the mpeg using conversion software into a different size but that can take a while. No sorry i still have this problem, infact all the programs seem to do this.

How to install plugin dvb viewer